
Expungement of your arrest or criminal conviction in New Jersey is a process through which the arrest and/or conviction is “sealed,” in the eyes of the law.  After the passage of a certain amount of time and the fulfillment of certain obligations you may be eligible for an Expungement.

After an Expungement is granted the criminal conviction and/or arrest ordinarily do not need to be disclosed, and no arrest or conviction shows up if a potential employer, educational institution, or governmental agency conducts a background search of an individual’s public records, except in limited circumstances.

Expungement is a valuable remedy to relieve the limitations of individual rights and future opportunities that often accompany the existence of criminal records. By Expunging such records you are legally allowed to act as if such records don’t exist, and others may be penalized for unauthorized disclosure of Expunged information.

The laws pertaining to Expungement of arrests and convictions and not all convictions may be expunged. If you are interested in obtaining an Expungement you should speak with an experienced attorney about your eligibility for an Expungement and the procedures followed by the Courts.

To discuss a potential case, please contact us immediately by calling us at (732) 812-4000. There is absolutely no charge for the initial consultation.

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