(732) 812-4000Five Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
Taking care of aging parents can be emotionally and physically challenging. After decades of our parents taking care of us, the roles become reversed. When we need to help our aging parents transition into an assisting living center or a nursing home, it is our duty to take steps to watch out for and prevent nursing home abuse. Nobody wants to think about their loved one suffering any type of mistreatment. However, by remaining alert for the signs listed below and remaining vigilant about the care of your parents, you can identify any abuse that goes on and prevent it from continuing.
Unexplained Marks, Scratches, or Bruising
While spending time with your loved one, check to see if they have any bruises, scratches, or unexplained injuries. Look for injuries or bruises in the shape of fingerprints or handprints. If you see any questionable injuries, ask to speak to the staff or speak to an attorney. Be sure to document the injuries by taking photographs, if possible.
Poor Sanitation or Hygiene
Poor hygiene is not just uncomfortable for nursing home residents, it can be extremely dangerous. When nursing home residents do not have proper assistance in maintaining their hygiene, they can develop skin infections. If the staff does not keep the bed linens clean or rotate your loved one in bed, they can develop painful and deadly bed sores. Poor hygiene when it comes to catheters can result in painful bladder infections. If you find your elderly loved one in any way other than clean and healthy, he or she may be the victim of nursing home abuse.
Changes in Your Loved One’s Financial Situation
Financial scams that take advantage of senior citizens are becoming more common. According to the FBI, scam artists target elderly individuals because they are likely to have savings, or a nest egg, to have excellent credit scores, or to own their own home. Elderly Americans are also less likely to report a fraud out of embarrassment. Sometimes, they do not know they have been scammed. If you notice anything unusual about your loved one’s finances, ask what is going on.
Dehydration or Malnutrition
As we age, it can become more difficult to get adequate hydration and nutrition. The nursing home staff is responsible for ensuring that their residents receive adequate nutrition and liquids. If you notice that your loved one has lost a significant amount of weight, or has gained a significant amount of weight, this could be a sign of a lack of adequate care. If you notice dry lips, cracked lips, a swollen tongue, a dry mouth, or sallow skin, you should inquire about your loved one’s hydration.
Sudden Changes in Behavior or Mood
Changes in mood or behavior are not always a sign of nursing home abuse, but they can be. If your loved one becomes withdrawn, anxious, depressed, embarrassed, or angry, try to get to the bottom of the mood changes.
Contact an Experienced Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
If you suspect or know that your loved one has experienced nursing home abuse, you need the help of an experienced legal team. We can help you fight for justice for your loved ones! Contact us today at (732) 812-4000 to schedule your initial consultation with one of our New York or New Jersey nursing home abuse lawyers.
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